Coproración Matteo Ricci

Friendship Social


Friendship Social

Work for THE FRIENDSHIP and SOCIAL forces us as a social organization to reflect on the kind of partnerships that we have built in the past and are building on the present.

There is No doubt that THE FRIENDSHIP of the SOCIAL as a second preference of the Corporation Matteo Ricci by a better and better service to our country and our Latin american continent, asks us as a social organization to open up to others, preferably to the most marginalized, excluded and impoverished, recognizing and supporting their values, their capabilities, their organizations; visibilizando their rights and supporting their needs and their struggles.

FRIENDSHIP SOCIAL from the perspective of the Corporation Matteo Ricci, involves us as a social organization, from the reality of human pain and marginalization in that are engulfed the majority of our citizens in Colombia and Latin America, and search, together with them, in the construction of societies that are more intelligent, more just, and more humane; the gestation of a new culture of encounter in a context that you should always have in mind our reality on a local, regional, national and international.

The Corporation Matteo Ricci is fully aware that it will not reach a action common in relation to the Friendship Social force of pronouncements and speeches. We are clear that the way that we try is the common understanding of the realities that we live by means of the approach mutual, generated in the dialogue, listen, exchange, discussion, and learn humbly from the other.

This we are meant to recognize that there are different points of view to our have some validity, with which it is necessary to engage in dialogue in order to build a collective project of a country from the differences, the same as the overcoming of the syndrome of the enemy that leads us to demonize and stigmatize the think different of us as the absolute enemy that you can't back down not too much less negotiate.


Strategic Objectives




To be close to the life of the people impoverished, excluded and mangled in its dignity, recognizing and supporting their values, their capabilities and visibilizando their social organizations, and the community, their rights and their struggles.




To be close to the life of the people impoverished, excluded and mangled in its dignity, recognizing and supporting their values, their capabilities and visibilizando their social organizations, and the community, their rights and their struggles.




Manage resources and grants through the cooperation of national and international that will enable us to target local projects to put into practice new ways to cope with the increasing impoverishment of the great majority of the popular neighborhoods, towns, or favelas in Colombia and Latin America.




To participate as a social organization in the design of organic standards and policies public, that allow us to encourage a commitment to real and effective in the care and protection of the communities with the greatest vulnerability of our cities.



Manage resources and grants through the cooperation of national and international that will enable us to target local projects to put into practice new ways to cope with the increasing impoverishment of the great majority of the popular neighborhoods, towns, or favelas in Colombia and Latin America.





To participate as a social organization in the design of organic standards and policies public, that allow us to encourage a commitment to real and effective in the care and protection of the communities with the greatest vulnerability of our cities.

“A Friend Is Another Self”

Matteo Ricci

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