Coproración Matteo Ricci

A Global network of Centers of living, Recreation and Reactivation of Talent Old man in Colombia and Latin America.

Super Memory


As a social organization committed to promoting and co-create a new culture of learning in Latin America, we value highly important to contribute in the development of a New Pedagogy of the Super Learning for old Age, that is to say, vote in favor of the Development of the Talents of our Older Adults in the perspective of an active ageing level of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

As a social organization expert in Super Learning we know that our BRAIN is reorganized several times throughout our lives in order to optimize the resources that we have. For that reason, the brains of our young and our elderly do not work the same way.

Hence, then, that attempt to speak of a “Pedagogy of the Super Learning” old-age " is an expression of contradictory, because “teaching” comes from the Greek paidos, which means “child”. For this reason, there has appeared the term “geragogía”, which is derived from another Greek word, geros, “old man”. The term “geragogia” was used by the Dra Martha Johnya in his book Geragogy: a Theory for Teaching the Elderly, almost thirty years ago.

The geragogía from the Corporation Matteo Ricci, that is to say, a New Pedagogy of the Super Learning for the old Age, it is not a new thing. The ancient philosophers believed that they had to prepare for old age as it prepares a comfortable home and beautiful in that it will live.

What is certain is that we now have the conviction that we can –and we– need to learn throughout life and that we must develop our talents in all ages. To this end, we must understand that there is a child talent, a talent, a teenager, a talented adult and a talented old man, and that in all cases, we must define the “Talent” as a good investment of intellectual resources that we have at a given time.

"You have to learn to prepare for old age as we prepare a comfortable home and beautiful in which you are going to live"

― Corporation Matteo Ricci

The Talent then, we demonstrated in the choice of our goals, in the proper search of the information, in the management of our emotions, and in the maintenance of effort necessary to achieve our objectives, This is what is important, at any age, even in old age also.

At present, the knowledge neurological childhood and adolescence have enabled us to design a better pedagogy. And, in the same way, the progress in the understanding of the brain elder has made us to progress in this new field.

From there we know that the brain is reorganized several times over the life of optimizing the resources that you have and, therefore, the active-ageing-we want to promote from the Centers for fellowship, Recreation, and the Revival of the Talent Elderly, we can associate to an improvement of the strategies used to recall abilities, and skills already learned in our older adults.

For this reason this New Pedagogy of the Super learning for the ]old Age from our Centres for social interaction, Recreation and Reactivation of Talent Old man, would focus precisely on strengthening social skills, recreation, policies, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of all of our Seniors, and to maintain and fill in the weaknesses of their intelligence-generating and social, its slower to learn, or their faults in the memory, because in our Centers we could use more wisely the resources that are left in their brains.

This Large-scale Project, then, of the Centers for fellowship, Recreation, and the Revival of the Talent Elderly permitted to do so. Hopefully we can get funding to make progress on this project.

"What is certain is that we now have the conviction that we can and we have to learn throughout life and that we must develop our talents in all ages, even in old age it"

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