Coproración Matteo Ricci

Our History

You know the life that inspired it, the legacy is illuminated and the path of the Wise Jesuit Matteo Ricci and the birth of the Corporation, forging Super Learning, Friendship, Social, Peace and Reconciliation.

Legacy-Lit: The Inspiring Career of Matteo Ricci and the Corporation that Forges Superaprendizaje and Friendship

Discover the fascinating history of the Humanist Jesuit Matteo Ricci and how since its beginning, guided by the Super-Learning, Friendship and Dialogue helped to open the roads between western european culture and the eastern culture of china.

Matteo Ricci

Matteo Ricci (1552 - 1610), a Jesuit of Italian introduced to the wise largest China - Confucius - to the western world. I've mathematics western and science to China and wrote the first detailed descriptions of the life and the culture of that country to the West. It can be said that he was the father of the chinese.

Our History

Our History

Matteo Ricci

He studied Latin and Greek, and, by the middle of the book “Art of the Rhetoric of Cypriano Soarez, typical for the time, and required reading for students jesuits in the decade of 1510, Ricci study the structure of sentences and the Art of Memorizing, skill was considered as the root of all eloquence. In this way, he learned the techniques of the MNEMONICS and with it, the art of creating images dramatic, in addition to creating and designing buildings to arrange them, as PALACES OF MEMORY.

Matteo Ricci

Under the direction of instructors jesuit humanists, Ricci was devoted to a refinement of what is become one of the extraordinary ability of memory. This proved to view, and then remember lists of four to five hundred ideography chinese and translate chinese several passages which have been learned in Italy. In all of this showed a great knowledge of the SUPER LEARNING HUMANIST, much of which was related to the skills of the SUPER MEMORY.

Our History

Our History

Matteo Ricci

At the end of 1595 he completed his first book, which talks about THE FRIENDSHIP. It was his first attempt, and the first made by a western, by designing and writing a book in ideography chinese.

At the same time , in Nachan, Ricci began to discuss theories about the memory with their chinese interlocutors, and to teach MNEMONICS, so that in 1596, Ricci was writing his second book in chinese, a brief treatise on the art of the memory and entitled: THE PALACE OF THE MEORIA. This second book was presented as a gift to the governor Lu and her three children who were preparing to the examinations of the civil service triennial on the confucian classics, as it was very important to pass these exams with distinction, because it was imperative to stand out on them to get any position of honor in China. Almost all of his treatise on the memory was based on Pliny and Cicero.

“The traits of the future depend on what we are today in capacity to propose and build in network and collaboratively”

― Corporation Matteo Ricci


Source Corporation Matteo Ricci

The Corporation Matteo Ricci was created on September 1, 2023, the fruit of the decision of ELKIN HERNANDEZ, Athlete Mental, student and disciple of the Priest Jesuit Oscar Ramirez, who was noted for giving a depth and a base scientific, truly serious, and for more than 45 years, to the study, teaching and application of Mnemonics and the Super-Learning in Colombia and Latin America; and the lord EPHRAIM LAVERDE HERNANDEZ, an entrepreneur and philanthropist interested in drive impact projects and social transformation.

Our history

Founding Partners

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Founding Partner “Honoris Causa”

Jesuit Father, Óscar Ramírez, S. J.

Is emphasized by giving it a depth and a scientific basis, truly serious, and for more than 45 years, to the study, teaching and application of Mnemonics and the Super-Learning in Colombia and Latin America.

Founding partner - Athlete mental

Elkin Hernandez

Expert in Super-Memory and Super-Learning

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Founding partner - Entrepreneur and Social Innovator

Efrain Laverde Hernandez

Interested in promoting projects of impact and social transformation.

“Builders of A Promising Future”

― Corporation Matteo Ricci

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