Coproración Matteo Ricci

Our Projects


Our Projects

Since all of our projects, the Corporation Matteo Ricci wants to help lead an exercise recognition, solidarity, and fraternity to the lives of our young people, students, professionals, artists, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and older adults, many of them frustrated and dashed for the simple reason of belonging to a sector with conditions needed for the realization and personal development.

This desire increases when we have no difficulty in recognizing that we are among those whom we seek to project our initiatives, as those of us who lead these projects on social innovation and human we have lived through similar circumstances, and as we are backed by a long history to learn about many of the realities, reason for which we do not want to hesitate to put at the service of our own people, to the best of our abilities and talents.

It is known also, that the Corporation Matteo Ricci has taken as a priority task, in a few countries, burdened by a massive social crisis, political and economic, to engage with the transformation of the mentality of these regions, and in particular, to commit ourselves to the defense of the equal DIGNITY of all the Latin american people through the promotion and co-creation of new cultures of learning, friendship, social, peace and reconciliation, seeking help with these three preferences in the construction of societies that are more intelligent, more human, and thus, more divine.

From our projects, we understand the HUMAN DIGNITY as a matter of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. This is, to the DIGNITY of the person means that this can be developed in accordance with the rights that are recognized by people, but also according to their own aspirations, that is to say, the CULTIVATION of their own HUMAN CAPABILITIES to be the protagonists of their own development - of who we are and what we want to become.

Hence, then, that the key to understanding the horizon of our projects in our commitment as a social organization for the defense of the DIGNITY and our commitment to the promotion of the development of the Higher Human Capacities. A DIGNITY that does not increase or diminish whatever our age, our economic situation or the social stratum to which you belong, and that never goes away and, a few HUMAN CAPACITIES only hope to conditions of recognition and gratitude, environments and intelligent methods, respect and self discipline to flourish with all its renewing power.

Our DIGNITY, then, from the Corporation of Matteo Ricci is a essential support, that is, THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HIGHER HUMAN CAPACITIES. And it is here where we want to start our ventures and leaders of the face of our co-responsibility in the running of our cities, regions, and organizations, trusting to contribute to the elements for a better understanding and further development of the high capabilities of many young people, students, professionals, entrepreneurs, athletes, and older adults, and with this support significantly in the construction of a better country.

Says the philosopher R Dworkin in his work “The Mastery of Life “ that all human life is the result of two aspects: a natural and genetic and other social and cultural, that is to say, educational. In that sense, life and our Human Capabilities are the wonderful result of processes in the evolution and culture through the medium of education have made their most extraordinary achievements.

From this point of view human life as its multiple capabilities and potentials, has a value immeasurable, of which we have no awareness. So that as well as the individual life, the High Human Capabilities are also wrapped into the future, that is, toward the “Self-Creation”, to the “Self-Perfection”, that is to say, towards the search of a High Performance and an Immense Fullness, which is in the bottom trend towards our own humanization.

Now, in this dialectical tension that develops as much life as our human capabilities, our past can be different. For some it may be a heavy burden which is difficult to break free, while for others it sets up a promising omen of making. This difference between “conditioning” and “opportunities” they end up limiting the development of the life and the achievement of our goals humanizares. Hence, to “reduce” the conditions that limit, not only the knowledge and the super-learning, but also for our further development as human beings, it is our task as projects of social innovation and human, as should also be the task of the states and a large part of our civil societies.

In our case, as a social organization and from the projects that we are more our own, that is to say:

  • Project: Network for Youth Athletes Mental - Creative Geniuses (Barrios and Communes Popular in Medellín - Colombia)
  • Project is a Global Network of Centers of Matteo Ricci to the Super-Learning and Human Development in Colombia and Latin America
  • Project: Centers of living, Recreation and Reactivation of Talent Old man To A Better Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual of our Older Adults in Colombia and Latin America

We will seek to reduce differences with the original hinder the process of the Education of High-Performance, Mental Health, Emotional, and Spiritual, Coexistence and Peace, and, hence, productivity in particular, those who are excluded and marginalized so that they have the opportunities to reach their best potential and open up to new horizons.

As a social organization, we believe that the realization of our projects, you can without a doubt, knock off the value of life and the idea that many of our young people, students, professionals, entrepreneurs, athletes, and older adults may end up having themselves.

Thank you for your support!

“As these projects all the best in this life we can think of as social organization is both the best out of ourselves, as to be able to fructify, help, and take advantage of many other”

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