Coproración Matteo Ricci

Peace and Reconciliation


Peace and Reconciliation

With this preference, the Corporation Matteo Ricci wants to seriously contribute from our task of education and culture, to do with all the men and women of Colombia the just society, respectful of human life, participatory and pluralistic we have not yet been able to make between the colombians.

For the Corporation Matteo Ricci to help in the construction of a new culture of super learning and to collaborate in the creation of a new culture of encounter through friendship social, involves developing a clear awareness of the reality of the countries of Latin America, and especially the reality of our country - Colombia-and therefore, the call to peace-building and the construction of a country more intelligent, more just, more human and more reconciled.

Work for Peace and Reconciliation is a preference that we consider priority in the light of national and international affairs and that we assume as a social organization with an immense sense of responsibility to the country and their communities. Hence, in the vision of the future of the Corporation Matteo Ricci was talk of bringing always the construction of a reconciled society, beyond the violence , the injustice, and the poverty of its people.

For the Corporation Matteo Ricci the key is to collaborate in the construction of a society visible in their structures the values of respect for life, peace based on justice, coexistence and sustainable development.

As a Corporation we want to change this preference to work for peace and the reconciliation as a “pretext to promote permanently conversations about the country and about the actions that they can re - orient our work as social organization at the level of our ventures, projects and initiatives, and as the result of our desire to provide a greater and better service to our country in the implementation of the agreements of the peace and reconciliation processes of their people.


Strategic Objectives




To promote and encourage the implementation of the Agreements of Peace and Reconciliation in Colombia in the present scenario of our country for the construction of a just peace, sustainable and that we are beginning to perform.




To promote and encourage the implementation of the Agreements of Peace and Reconciliation in Colombia in the present scenario of our country for the construction of a just peace, sustainable and that we are beginning to perform.




To accompany, Serve and Defend those who violated the tragedy of the conflict armed in our land, and especially to the young people with their values and what's new. Older adults and the children in the defence of their rights; the women in the achievement of greater participation and social recognition and, to the displaced populations, african-american, indigenous and LGBTI, in their struggles for to improve their living conditions and greater respect for their cultures.




To promote projects of entrepreneurship among men and women, victims of the armed conflict that are truly participatory, that is to say, they are born and are made with the same people and villagers, and allow them to treat the employment and poverty in a sustainable manner, that is to say, by providing it with the ability of income-generating and cost-effective to raise the quality of life and that of their families, for which will be key to team up with many business initiatives and assist in the design of organic standards and public policies that allow us to encourage a concrete commitment and effective with the men and women who are victims of the conflict to they can undertake participatory projects and economic that allow them to have a promising future for all their families.



To accompany, Serve and Defend those who violated the tragedy of the conflict armed in our land, and especially to the young people with their values and what's new. Older adults and the children in the defence of their rights; the women in the achievement of greater participation and social recognition and, to the displaced populations, african-american, indigenous and LGBTI, in their struggles for to improve their living conditions and greater respect for their cultures.





To promote projects of entrepreneurship among men and women, victims of the armed conflict that are truly participatory, that is to say, they are born and are made with the same people and villagers, and allow them to treat the employment and poverty in a sustainable manner, that is to say, by providing it with the ability of income-generating and cost-effective to raise the quality of life and that of their families, for which will be key to team up with many business initiatives and assist in the design of organic standards and public policies that allow us to encourage a concrete commitment and effective with the men and women who are victims of the conflict to they can undertake participatory projects and economic that allow them to have a promising future for all their families.

“Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women where you have to build the defences of peace”

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