Coproración Matteo Ricci




What have we done?, What do we do now?, and What should we do?. And as the result of this insight, we present with a joy too large from the Corporation Matteo Ricci this Horizon of Work, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Social for Colombia and Latin America.

As a social organization, we present our “Preferences” or “Lines-Strategic” as the mature fruit of discernment common about our work and social projection for the next 7 years.

It is also something that came out of our hearts and was settled with the word and full participation of the founding partners and our entire team of co-workers over a little more than 6 months of work.

The end result is a smart choice and not merely an agreement protocol. The reality, living and incarnate in Colombia and other Latin American countries were your source of inspiration and the horizon fundamental; from there on, the “development of Our Preferences” has gone through rounds of dialogue between people and different collaborators, advisors, technicians and professionals through the reflection and analysis of our reality, until you get to the approval of the same with full comfort and motivation.

At fidelity, then, to the Mission of the Corporation Matteo Ricci, we now this effort with the heart full of optimism and hope, but also with the awareness that we will have to do a lot in a country and a continent organized in part, on brains poorly sorted, poorly led and badly trained, in addition to the selfishness and injustice, where the majority of the Latin americans living in dire conditions, and where - as a social organization - we are called to be salt, light and leaven “of a new heaven and a new earth” in our continent.


Our Preferences

The three major priorities, preferences or lines of strategic Corporation Matteo Ricci have the pleasure of presenting with their respective strategic objectives within this Horizon of Work, Entrepreneurship, and Social Innovation for Colombia and Latin America are:

“Peace, Education, High Performance, and the Friendship Social, are the pillars of a Hopeful Future for Colombia and Latin America”

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