Coproración Matteo Ricci

A Global network of High Performance Centres For Super Learning and Human Development "Matteo Ricci" in Colombia and Latin America.



The Global Network of High Performance Centres for Super Learning and Human Development “Matteo Ricci” is a project of social innovation and human located in a space and in time, especially significant and important. That is why it is very important perceive the “meaning of our project”, because of the meaning that we give in our cities, regions, and countries of Latin America, will depend on all that we may achieve in the following years.

As we know from history, in the worst days of humanity, when was the inability to create future, “School Initiatives”, this is what today and a little more moderna could call - “the Centers for Super Learning and the Development of the Human - faced with the dilemma of remaining silent in the face of such deviations of the human or to say their word: that they know to say and that is theirs. When they held their peace, life was hard and cruel to all, and the poor for not having learned not had anyone to hear your story or listen to your dreams. There were No voices to express themselves intelligently to the very substance of his story to show the legitimacy of their relentless pursuit of learning, freedom, happiness, and justice. In contrast, when they said your word, societies and peoples had something light to make their way in a new culture of learning. By accepting the challenge, both the “Initiatory Schools”, that is to say, both the institutes such as the Centers for the Super Learning and Human Development accepted also the risk that this entails: to TAKE on THE TASK OF HELPING TO BUILD SOCIETIES that are MORE INTELLIGENT, HIGHLY HUMAN AND IN PEACE. This is precisely the dilemma that faces all Center for Super Learning and Human Development “Matteo Ricci” in Latin America, to take or give back to learning and to the hope that it shakes you to the men and women of our time.

The modern world, then, lighting on the dawn of the Renaissance, incorporated along with the urbanization of societies, the creation of Centres for Learning and Human Development. In times behind those fleeing the wars of the lords, of the insecurity of the field, and poverty, were in the city for the protection and the Centers for Learning the light of reason. It is in this sense and scenario from times back where they realized the importance for the future would be the creation of Centres for Learning and Human Development. If there is something in what modernity is expressed fully in this experience of the Centres of learning, a knowledge of the world, a knowledge about the human capacities in all its dimensions, and to know as assertiveness of life.

In this sense, our project “Global Network of Centres for the Super-Learning and Human Development Matteo Ricci”, it is today, therefore, face the dilemma: or opens up your entire universe of knowledge on Mnemonics, advances pedagogical on the Super-Learning and understanding of our Executive Intelligence and Spiritual reality of Latin america, the assumed and mixing in their avatars; or shut up, keep quiet and subtract light to the path of a new learning culture of an entire nation and a continent.

This second decision, requires very little, only to repeat courses and programs with a clear motivation for the mere profit, as well as to transmit mechanically to our knowledge about the Mnemonics and the Super-Learning, that is to say, to pretend to market programs to the new generations want to live without problems in a few countries that are crumbling.

For this reason, as a Corporation, we say: - I Just act as if you don't see anything! We believe as a Social Organization that is acting as the only thing that would help would be to the prevalence of the culture of the easy and indifference. For these reasons we need to learn to prepare as a Corporation for the success of this Global Network of High Performance Centres to accommodate critically the reality of learning in Latin america.

Our presence, then, as a Corporation Matteo Ricci and the Network of Centers that we plan to Latin America means to say: WE are HERE, we ASSUME AND we're FACING because we consider that to be responsible as a project of social innovation and human also means to say: we are Here as a social organization and through this magnificent project to answer for our cities, our regions, our countries, our continents, by the world, by my fellow-countrymen, by the common fate of the learning of mankind, because what happens with the history of the Super Learning and Athletics Mental in our countries and in this Latin american continent is also our concern. Be responsible as a Corporation through this magnificent project is to be PRESENT, to TAKE up, AND FACE the adversity of our countries and cities in the perspective of humanity, in the consciousness of our common history and Latin american.

Perhaps through this Global Network of Centres say, or we do not have the real possibility of transforming the countries in which we live and which we have in front of our eyes, at least not in a way that is immediate and easily discernible. However, in the future, when they appear in a huge fight forms of a new society of the learning, or if you deepen the cracks in the fragile education very low performance we have today, the new generations will receive the testimony of a sincere effort to bring back the sense of a new culture of learning.

Therefore, the effectiveness of our schools lies not in the power of immediate transformation, but rather on the testimony that we are required to give to the new generations, for these in the relay races, to receive a city, a region, a country, a continent, a little better than we have now, and have the resources of an Education of High-Performance generation of Great Talents who knew how to put the LIFE and GREATNESS of the Mental Capacities, Executive, Emotional and Spiritual as a core values to build society.

Very likely if Matteo Ricci to sit down with us today to talk to, I would encourage our meeting helping us to discover the important mission of the Centers for Learning and Human Development of these times, and particularly of our own a project of social innovation and human in our task:

1 - to Encourage, to Deepen, Strengthen, and Promote a new culture of learning in Latin America

2 - Strengthen the Academic Excellence and a High Mental Performance, Executive, Emotional, and Spiritual all the same

3 - by Using the first Network of Global Centers of High-Performance “Matteo Ricci”, to promote the rediscovery of the “solidarity and friendship social” and

4 - Using this first Global Network of Centers of High Performance “Matteo Ricci” to be managers of societies that are more Intelligent and thus cooperate in the reconstruction of a Large Project of Social Innovation and Human, that is to say, a new country, in peace and reconciled.

This Global Network of Centers of High-Performance Matteo Ricci will be a strategic platform to proclaim the values of the method of Mnemonics, Super Learning, Intelligence Executive, Emotional, and Spiritual as a source of inspirational of a New Culture of Learning.

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