Coproración Matteo Ricci

Network for Youth Athletes Mental - Creative Geniuses.
(Barrios and Communes Popular in Medellín - Colombia)

Super Memory


Joining the searches, and sufferings of the most excluded in our territory, we want to state that as a Corporation Matteo Ricci dedicated to the Super-Learning, one of the questions that we are most concerned about and confront day-to-day regarding the future of our societies is the future of the young people living in the favelas, villas or the popular neighborhoods of our beloved Latin american cities.

For such a reason as a social organization, we value highly important to STAY AND CREATE INITIATIVES from the BORDER zones, that is to say, from the barrios and communes popular of our cities, where learning is boring, is threatened or simply denied.

As a social organization we ask:

Will I be able to measure and assess the loss of future and hope in the young people who daily live with the physical death and are waiting, many of them, literally, just around the corner in our neighborhoods popular due to the combos are already doomed?

What studies have been done on the loss in years and the economic loss that the death of the young poses for a country?

What we have tried to assess the costs, psychological, social, and moral of this fact?

Will I be able to measure and assess the loss of future and hope in the young people who daily live with the death, but not only with the physical death, but with that way of death that turns out to be the most damaging of all, the one that truncates the possibilities not yet made a human life by a lack of opportunities and because of the exclusion?

For this reason, as citizens, leaders, entrepreneurs and agents of change we see is relevant and very responsible actively took our engagement with the building of a better society by promoting and spreading a new culture of learning among young people and adolescents less opportunities you have had of learning of high performance that will wake up their brains, their minds and teach them to manage their talents.

To this we want to reach with this project, to place before the society of the young people in our cities who by the mere fact of belonging to the strata one and two, keep the risk to your life, hampered the possibilities of personal fulfilment, social and political to the extent that fail to define their identity and are driven by feelings of self-esteem and encouraged by a better social valuation, hence our great concern as a project of Human Development in the real situation of many, hundreds and thousands of our young residents of the poorest sectors of our cities and, therefore, the ideals of ethics of our societies.

Since the corporation Matteo Ricci we believe that it is possible to achieve a learning of high performance for the young people and adolescents most in need if we implement them, programs that not only work for the high-performance, mental and emotional, but also, working for the recognition and valuation of their own dignity as human beings, that is, programs with a high component humanízate, that is, programs of neuro activation and pisco stimulation of the brain, the super memory and emotional intelligence and spiritual that they have the ability to re-affirm the centrality of their people , although with a lot of negative history, allow them to recognize that they have a brain deep, personal, unique, unrepeatable and non-transferable begging to be released and deployed in the best possible way, just because its capacity is immeasurable, all the more reason for what he is deserving of all respect, appreciation and attention through the process that you can generate.

In conclusion, programs and initiatives that together with the development of mental and emotional cultivate the humanity of young people; programs where all young people feel recognized and valued from the human factor, regardless of their performance and results.

For these reasons one of the purposes, projects and ventures that animates our work as a social organization is the consolidation of this initiative YOUTH NETWORK OF ATHLETES MENTAL - BRAIN CREATIVE, especially among young people and adolescents are at higher risk and in a real state of vulnerability, immersed in these sub-cultures that come to represent the communes popular, villages or slums of our cities in Latin america.

In such a way that NETWORK FOR YOUTH ATHLETES MENTAL - BRAIN CREATIVE, is a human project, righteous, demanding, thoughtful, relevant, and responsible by which we believe the human development of the youth and adolescents of our territories where it is most alive exclusion, marginalization and lack of opportunities, resources and core capabilities.

"Because we don't want a poor education for the poor."

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