Coproración Matteo Ricci

Super Learning

Super Memory

Super Learning

Through this preference Corporation Matteo Ricci takes on the task of EDUCATING by methods of formal and non-formal as Mnemonics and Super-Learning to men and women for others and with others, to help build societies and organizations, smart and highly human and, therefore, to cooperate in the recomposition of a great project of social innovation, that is to say, a new country.

Equally important, we want through this priority is to commit ourselves to act in the situations of borders, that is to say, where the learning is boring, this threatened or denied; as well as, help lead an exercise recognition, solidarity and brotherhood to the lives of our young people, students, teachers, professionals, artists, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and older adults, many of them dashed and dashed for the simple reason of belonging to a sector with conditions needed for the realization and personal development.

Decrease, then, are the conditions that limit not only our learning, but we also have our own development as human beings, it is our task as social organization in Colombia and Latin America, as well as what should be the task of states and a large part of our civil societies.

The key to responding to this situation from our initiatives and ventures as a Corporation is to make the spaces and learning environments of very high performance, in turn, relevant, creative, innovative, interdisciplinary and very responsible that allow for the exploration, discovery, knowledge, training and development of our own mental capabilities, emotional, and spiritual, present in all human beings, but many have not discovered the cause of the non-recognition, the submission, the undervalued, and the exclusion systems and models of super learning that do not accompany them.

This preference encourages us to promote projects such as the Global Network of Centers for the Super Learning “Matteo Ricci” in Colombia and Latin America, The Global network of Athletes ' Mental Latin American and the School of Trainers in Super Learning, we seek a transformation of our mentalities and assistance in the training, coaching and development of the high capacities, to serve in the construction of new cultures of learning.

We will seek, through the articulation with other social actors, reach consolidate initiatives and significant processes in favour of new “Systems Accelerated learning” that they are more genuine, more authentic, is of very high performance, real generators of talent and, therefore, of new wealth and development for our countries.

This new “Culture of Learning” for Colombia and Latin America that we seek helping to co -create from the Corporation Matteo Ricci, is not defined by the study of the deficiencies but for the screening and subsequent development of the potentialities of we the people. This is the ultimate help to we the people we take seriously the knowledge and training of our own brains, our minds, our memory and our own inner being.

It is necessary to make clear that the Corporation Matteo Ricci's what you want to protect or promote this “New Culture of Learning” , are not the needs or problems of the people, but their capabilities and potentialities, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Hopefully, we understand that the possibility of a LEARNING, HIGH-PERFORMANCE that includes the best of the methodologies of the MNEMONICS, the SUPER LEARNING, and of the EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE and SPIRITUAL, is a possibility of development, sustainability, growth and development in all beings humans who inhabit the cities and regions of Latin America.

Hence, then, that not only the dissemination and promotion of Athletics, Mental and Creation of Centers of Matteo Ricci to the Super-Learning and Human Development in In Latin america, but also, the strengthening of international awareness about the need for an Education of High achievement for all, since it is a right of every human being and, in consequence, a demand for policies public in relation to education in Latin America and in many parts of the world, will always be the practical aspect of our speeches, commitments and entrepreneurship as a social organization.

In conclusion, the Corporation Matteo Ricci believes and is confident that the evolutionary force more powerful in the case of our human species is in our Ability to Learn and, therefore, we affirm, that it is in our ability to learn where he has that reside in our hope of progress as Latin american countries.

Finally, the Education of Talent, the Methodologies of the Super Learning and the Development of High Capacity, they must be the protagonists of the Century XXl in our societies, and, therefore, must be the horizon to fill in that sense our presence and our mission as a social organization in our cities, regions, and countries that seek diligently for peace with social justice and reconciliation between all.


Strategic Objectives




Promote and deepen critically pedagogical innovation through the Super Learning the Mnemonics, the Executive intelligence and Spiritual, so that we may make in the Education of the gifted and Talented Development of the High Capacities of people and communities, especially children, adolescents, students, teachers, businessmen, artists, intellectuals; the revolution and the education innovation Latin America's largest.




Promote and deepen critically pedagogical innovation through the Super Learning the Mnemonics, the Executive intelligence and Spiritual, so that we may make in the Education of the gifted and Talented Development of the High Capacities of people and communities, especially children, adolescents, students, teachers, businessmen, artists, intellectuals; the revolution and the education innovation Latin America's largest.




Actively participate as a Corporation expert in Super Learning in the definition of the policies and practices of public education in our cities and countries.




To promote the Universal Right to Quality Education (DUEC) in the framework of the Covenant Global Education (PEG) of an inter-institutional and international levels.



Actively participate as a Corporation expert in Super Learning in the definition of the policies and practices of public education in our cities and countries.





To promote the Universal Right to Quality Education (DUEC) in the framework of the Covenant Global Education (PEG) of an inter-institutional and international levels.

“The future of our societies is the present of our classrooms.”

“A new culture of learning in Colombia and Latin america is the great task.”

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