Coproración Matteo Ricci

Corporate Values

Our Corporate Values

Corporate Values


Corporate Values


As a social organization, we can not be exempted from performing the analysis of political and social most rigorous possible because from the analysis and the discernment will come our COMMITTED ACTION as social agents responsible in building societies that are better educated and, therefore, more intelligent, most righteous and at peace. Will always be the definitive critical vision that we have since our Corporation in the world, the societies, their cultures and imbalances.


Corporate Values


As a social organization, we can not be exempted from performing the analysis of political and social most rigorous possible because from the analysis and the discernment will come our COMMITTED ACTION as social agents responsible in building societies that are better educated and, therefore, more intelligent, most righteous and at peace. Will always be the definitive critical vision that we have since our Corporation in the world, the societies, their cultures and imbalances.


Corporate Values


As a social organization, we are concerned with achieving a high performance and a sufficient academic training to all of our partners and directors are always qualified, professional, serious, ethical, with a universal vision and virtuous. Hence the value of guarantee, as a Corporation, to all of our team a the level of preparation is sufficiently refined and elevated, so that there is always the guarantee of being able to assume the responsibilities assigned to a qualification sufficient and ideal. In our Corporation, and in all programs and projects that cheer and we lead we have a real sense of the pursuit of excellence, which will always be a hallmark of our work.


Corporate Values


We say that compassionate because as a social organization we are able to open our hearts to be united and take over if the suffering others live especially for not having learned how to learn, or causes of social injustice or violence.

Corporate Values


As a social organization, we are concerned with achieving a high performance and a sufficient academic training to all of our partners and directors are always qualified, professional, serious, ethical, with a universal vision and virtuous. Hence the value of guarantee, as a Corporation, to all of our team a the level of preparation is sufficiently refined and elevated, so that there is always the guarantee of being able to assume the responsibilities assigned to a qualification sufficient and ideal. In our Corporation, and in all programs and projects that cheer and we lead we have a real sense of the pursuit of excellence, which will always be a hallmark of our work.



Corporate Values


We say that compassionate because as a social organization we are able to open our hearts to be united and take over if the suffering others live especially for not having learned how to learn, or causes of social injustice or violence.

Corporate Values


We say that committed because by this means we have a solid motivation to take action, and more exactly, to guide our initiatives, leadership and entrepreneurship in the service of others. From our Corporation we strive to honestly and from the solidarity and media peaceful in the educational transformation of our countries and of the structures social, cultural, and policies to achieve justice and peace, hence the Corporation Matteo Ricci which seek is structured institutionally the ideal of service to other people and communities from our ability to lead and direct projects and programs high social impact as a way of live, work, and offer professional other.



Corporate Values


We say that committed because by this means we have a solid motivation to take action, and more exactly, to guide our initiatives, leadership and entrepreneurship in the service of others. From our Corporation we strive to honestly and from the solidarity and media peaceful in the educational transformation of our countries and of the structures social, cultural, and policies to achieve justice and peace, hence the Corporation Matteo Ricci which seek is structured institutionally the ideal of service to other people and communities from our ability to lead and direct projects and programs high social impact as a way of live, work, and offer professional other.

“ We as corporate values to be mindful, competent, compassionate and committed, so that we can be leaders and social entrepreneurs for others and with others in the various social and cultural contexts of our countries, regions and cities”

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